A proud moment for Team Ambinet
Our Senior Creative Web Team Member, Zaghum Rafique Khan has found a place among leading photographers of Pakistan. One of his photographs was chosen by the Photographic Art Society of Pakistan and printed in the Year Book 2015.
The Year Book 2015 was a project by “THE PHOTOGRAPHIC ART SOCIETY OF PAKISTAN” which included photographs taken by Pakistani photo-artists. The purpose was to promote photographic art and provide exposure to the emerging talent of the country.
Serving The Divine
This photograph was taken at Badshahi Mosque in lahore, commissioned by sixth Mugal Emperor Aurangzeb in 1671. This photograph captured a man cleaning the grand courtyard after Dawn prayer. The rising sun reflected behind the minaret with a man peacefully cleaning the courtyard with his broom, combined together made the perfect expression of “SERVING THE DIVINE”
Some of Zaghum’s photographs are being used in print and digital media in Japan, Indan, Usa and Italy.
His work can be seen and appreciated here.
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