Westgate Shopping Centre
6000+ Online Inductions completed for the Health & Safety of all Contractors working at Westgate, Oxford.
The Health and Safety Induction is a mandatory and a legal requirement for all personnel working on the construction site. The online induction solution is designed to allow contractors to undertake their Corporate and Site specific inductions remotely.
The portal can be accessed using a PC or a Laptop at any place convenient to the Contractor/Visitor
- At Home
- At the Office
- Net Café
- Library
The induction is a multimedia presentation that has a wealth of information comprising of narrated slides, videos, sound and maps focusing on the health and safety of all contractors and visitors on site.
The Benefits of the Solution
- Delivering a paperless, engaging and mobile solution for health and safety, anywhere at anytime.
- Better solution for the security and well being of personnel on site through automated verification.
- All personnel fully registered and their records accessible at anytime.
- Health and safety induction tailored to specific areas of work on site, making it more relevant to personnel working in that area.
- Conquering language barriers with visual images and videos for on-site education, welfare, access and site hazards.
- Full track and trace facility in case of accidents.
- Considerable impact on cost saving and man hours for both the principal contractor and subcontractors.
All Contractors are automatically verified by the system through a LIVE link to the CITB verification portal